Andre studied Mech Engineering at CAST in Jamaica. He has worked in different industries including the Automotive, Printing and Industrial (Equipment Sales).

Andre, comes to the MultiSports Canada family in a round-about way; while he loves athletics and the multisport world of Triathlon, Orienteering and similar events, his first love is Motor Rally. In his teen years volunteering as a marshal and competed as a Navigator/Co-Driver which led to Route Organizer of Rally Jamaica in the 90’s and the 2008 Team Championship. As athletics and fitness began criss-crossing with motorsports, he started to run and cycle, which led to him volunteering on local running events, doing the marathon distance (Reggae and Amsterdam) and his 1st triathlon, Jake’s Off-Road Triathlon. He was hooked.

Somewhere along the fitness journey, he decided to be certified as Mad Dogg Spin Instructor, which led to a change of vocation. Andre is now an ACSM Personal Trainer, AAFA Group Fitness Instructor and an OTA Coach; and works in the Fitness industry.

In January 2016, while looking at the MultiSport Canada schedule to organize his own year of competition, the Job Opportunity page came up and so he applied. His first MultiSport assignment was being part of the Aid-Station at 7k for the Sportlife 10k that year.  Andre’s experiences has led him up the ladder to be an Event Manager.